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Process Gas Chromatograph GC8000

The GC8000 has a built-in 12-inch color touchscreen display that dramatically simplifies maintenance. At the touch of the screen, the technician can access all of the analytical parameters and measurement results; displayed in easy-to-understand graphical color screens.

The GC8000 also brings a number of important innovations in its gas chromatograph analytical capabilities. For the first time, parallel chromatography is made practical with the introduction of the GC Module (GCM) concept. By setting up virtual GCs within a single analyzer, all chromatograph settings, displays, and data are truly segregated for easy understanding and maintenance. There are even built-in graphical overview screens showing each of the individual GC Modules.


The GC8000 has a built-in 12-inch color touchscreen display that dramatically simplifies maintenance. At the touch of the screen, the technician can access all of the analytical parameters and measurement results; displayed in easy-to-understand graphical color screens.

The GC8000 also brings a number of important innovations in its gas chromatograph analytical capabilities. For the first time, parallel chromatography is made practical with the introduction of the GC Module (GCM) concept. By setting up virtual GCs within a single analyzer, all chromatograph settings, displays, and data are truly segregated for easy understanding and maintenance. There are even built-in graphical overview screens showing each of the individual GC Modules.

The GC8000 also brings a number of important innovations in its gas chromatograph analytical capabilities. For the first time, parallel chromatography is made practical with the introduction of the GC Module (GCM) concept. By setting up virtual GCs within a single analyzer, all chromatograph settings, displays, and data are truly segregated for easy understanding and maintenance. There are even built-in graphical overview screens showing each of the individual GC Modules.

The GC8000 uses the same proven analytical hardware found in our previous model of GC; recognized for its reliable and precise performance. But with the GC8000, the analytical possibilities are greatly expanded through the multiple oven capability of the analyzer.

The communications network of the GC8000 is based on the industry standard Ethernet structure to provide flexible yet secure transmission of data to GC maintenance workstations and the plant DCS system. The GC8000 can be set up for either a single Ethernet network or a redundant network with two completely isolated Ethernet networks if desired.

  • High-speed analysis with multi-oven structure
    The multi-oven and multi-detector structure with simultaneous analysis settings enables each component to be measured under optimal conditions. This feature reduces the analysis time and allows configurations to be tailored to the customers' needs.

  • Improved operation with a large touch panel
    A 12.1-inch color LCD touch panel mounted on the operating display unit of the main body offers enhanced visibility and interface.
    The screen displays of the main body and the PC are kept consistent to achieve intuitive, easy operations and quick acquisition of various information.

  • High reliability
    Since first releasing gas chromatographs in 1959, Yokogawa has developed a reputation of dependable performance among customers. The GC8000, with its main parts such as detectors and valves embodying our long experience and know-how, delivers outstanding reliability. Furthermore, many of the serviceable parts are compatible with those used in previous GC models.

  • Improved functionality
    The GC8000 offers improved functionality with the following functions:
    Reanalysis of chromatograms:
    This function analyzes and verifies the chromatogram data saved in the PC, to ensure the data is reliable. Data converting to the
    EZChrom software:
    This function shares data with the customer 's other analyzers, for consistent management of various analysis results and securing traceability.
    User programming:
    This function can be tailored to the customer 's exact requirements, such as a customized reports or sophisticated analysis routines

Measurable objectGas or volatile liquid (400°C or lower boiling point)
Analysis methodGas chromatography
Measurable rangeDepends on analysis conditions
TCD: 1ppm to 100%
FID: 1ppm to 100%
FID (with methanizer): 1 ppm to 0.1%
FPD: 1ppm to 0.1%
Number of components to be measuredMaximum of 999 (total number of components in all streams including calibration standard sample streams)
Analysis periodMaximum of 21600.0 seconds (six hours)
Number of streams to be measuredMaximum of 31 (including standard sample streams)
Material of sample-contact partsRV: 316SS, Hastelloy-C, Rulon, PTFE (Teflon, Bearee)
LSV: 316SS, Hastelloy-C, Rulon, Glass, PTFE (Teflon, Bearee), Fluororubber (Viton), perfloroelastomer (Kalrez)
RepeatabilityDepends on analysis conditions
Gas sample: ±1% of full scale for measuring ranges (2σ)
Liquid sample: ±2% of full scale for measuring ranges (2σ)

* The value may vary depending on the specifications and conditions. For details, contact Yokogawa.

Analyzer specifications

Type of protectionPressurized enclosure and flameproof enclosure
Area classificationFM:
Type X Pressurization and Explosionproof for Class I, Division 1,Groups B, C and D. T1 to T4
Type X and Y Pressurization for Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C and D. T1 to T4
ATEX: II2G Ex d px IIB+H2 T1...T4 Gb
IECEx: Ex d px IIB+H2 T1...T4 Gb
TIIS: Ex pd IIB+H2 T1 to T4
Protection degree of enclosureNEMA3R, Equivalent to IP54 (dust and water resistant structure)
Operating ambient conditions-10 to 50°C, 95% RH or less (no condensation)
Weight Wall-mounting versionSelf-standing version
Type 1approx. 100 kgapprox. 140 kg
Type 2approx. 155 kgapprox. 190 kg
Type 3approx. 200 kgapprox. 220 kg
Isothermal Oven
VolumeLarge isothermal oven: Approximately 45 L
Standard isothermal oven: Approximately 31 L
Setting temperature range55 to 225°C 
(Temperature can be set in one-degree step.)
Temperature control accuracy± 0.03°C
Temperature controlPID control
Analog Input/OutputMaximum of 16/Maximum of 32
Contact Input/OutputMaximum of 32/Maximum of 20
PC communicationEthernet communication
Protocol: TCP/IP, FTP, Modbus TCP/IP
DCS communicationRS-422
Protocol: MODBUS, Y-Protocol


Power supply100/110/115/120/200/220/230/240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz ±5%
Maximum rated powerType 1: 0.8 to 1.6 kVA
Type 2: 1.4 to 2.9 kVA
Type 3: 2.0 to 4.3 kVA
Instrument airPressure: 350 to 900kPa
Type 1: 100 to 140 L/min
Type 1 with FPD: 130 to 200 L/min
Type 2: 150 to 210 L/min
Type 2 with FPD: 180 to 270 L/min
Type 3: 200 to 280 L/min
Carrier gasTypes: H2, N2, He, or Ar
  Measuring range from 0 to 50 ppm or more: 99.99% minimum (water: 10 ppm or less, organic components: 5 ppm or less)
  Measuring range from 0 to less than 50 ppm: 99.999% minimum (water: 5 ppm or less, organic components: 0.1 ppm or less)
  H2: 500 kPa (72.5 psi) (Supplied with extra-regulator for explosion-proof certification)
  Other than H2: 400 to 700 kPa
Consumption: 60 to 300 mL/min per isothermal oven

The GC Module (GCM) is a concept where all the parameters and functions of a specific GC application are gathered under one section. For analyzers tackling more than one GC application, this allows everything to be segregated into individual virtual GCs for much easier understanding and maintenance. No longer will the technician need to wonder which valve or peak setting applies to which portion of the GC's application. And navigating between the GCMs is as simple as touching the GCM tabs on the screen.

One example of how the GCM design can help is with Parallel Chromatography. Parallel Chromatography is a powerful tool for process GCs that can often reduce analysis cycle times and hardware complexity. But until the GC8000, the implementation of parallel chromatography was cumbersome and difficult as the software for the different parallel chromatography segments were not segregated from one another. This complexity limited the ability of parallel chromatography to be utilized to its full potential. The GC8000 avoids this confusion and complexity by using individual SYS configurations (system clocks) for each individual mini-applications (often called applets).





The GC8000 has a built-in 12-inch color touch screen display that dramatically simplifies maintenance. At the touch of the screen, the technician can access all of the analytical parameters and measurement results; displayed in easy-to-understand graphical color screens. From simple overview screens that show the analyzer's operation at a glance to trend displays of Key Performance Indicators (KPI), the user can easily navigate to the information or task that needs to be accomplished.

All the GC operating parameters such as gate and valve times are conveniently displayed on the same screen. This simplifies routine GC maintenance as well as enables technicians new to the GC8000 to quickly begin using the analyzer with minimal training. Chromatograms are also easily called up to compare analysis performance against stored chromatograms or a reference calibration chromatogram.

The communications network of the GC8000 is based on the industry standard Ethernet structure to provide flexible yet secure transmission of data to GC maintenance workstations and the plant DCS system. The GC8000 can be set up for either a single Ethernet network or a redundant network with two completely isolated Ethernet networks if desired. 

Built in native Modbus TCP/IP protocol support for network communications eliminates the need for communication gateways to DCS systems in many situations. Not only does this simplify the network architecture, it removes a potential point of failure in delivering analytical data to the DCS system. But for communication systems that still require serial Modbus gateways, the GC8000's ASGW is available to fill that role.

The GC network can even be expanded to include the Advanced Analytical Instrument Maintenance Software (AAIMS) that provides real-time asset maintenance management functions for a wide range of on-line process analyzers such as pH and O2 as well as GCs and FT-NIRs. AAIMS improves the process analysis efficiency by accurately assessing and displaying the KPIs of each analyzer through real-time data acquisition combined with statistical quality control (SQC) analysis. It also provides a common graphical interface for all the plant's analyzers for validation checks and alarm reporting.

The gas chromatograph can be used for monitoring and quality control in the following industries and applications.

ethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene, BTX, butadiene, vinyl chloride, styrene, alcohol, aldehyde, ester, and vinyl acetate

Petroleum refining:
distill ation point analysis, PINA/PIONA analysis, FCC, sulfur recovery

chlorides, fluorine compounds, formalin, methanol, urea, ammonia, phenol

Electric power/gas:
fuel gas, exhaust gases, coal gasification/ liquefaction, fuel cell

Iron and steel: 
blast furnace, coke oven l

Air plant: 
organic/inorganic gas analyses

chemicals, agricultural chemicals

Environmental monitoring:
air/soil pollution monitoring, plant/work environmental analyses, analyses (VOC)

The GC8000 can also be used for many other applications.

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